Cornish Jubilee Time Line Commemoration 1961 to 1970
The major events that have taken place in or relating to Cornwall 1961 to 1970
1961 -
1962 -
1963 -
1964 -
1965 -
1966 -
1967 -
1968 -
1969 -
1970 -
Begun as a Platinum Jubilee project covering the period of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II reign, following conclusion of the Jubilee this project will continue adding to the years covered and also to the content for each year with events from throughout Cornwall. This is an ongoing project, a positive working legacy of the 2022 Jubilee.
Click the year link above to go to that years event
The opening of the long awaited Tamar Road Bridge took place on 24th October 1961. The official opening would need to wait until 1962 when formally opened by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother on 26th April in a grand ceremony involving a fly-past and two naval frigates.
- A new civil terminal was built at RAF St Mawgan as a portion of the RAF station became known as Newquay Airport.
- Goonhilly first caught the public’s imagination in 1962 when the large dish, known as Arthur, received the first transatlantic TV signal - a speech by President Kennedy via Telstar, the earliest communications satellite.
The Big Freeze began with an Arctic Snowstorm. With temperatures plummeting to -30C at a time before most homes had the benefit of central heating, this was cold like people had never experienced before. It froze rivers, waterfalls, fountains and bottles of milk. It was acknowledged as the Worst Weather in the History of the Country.
The first helicopter service to the Isles of Scilly took place on 1st May 1964, the new service was initially operated by two Sikorsky S61N helicopters. the helicopter service operated from Land's End airfield, St Just, just as the De Havilland Rapide bi-planes had but on 1 September 1964 the service was moved to the new heliport at Penzance which had been built at a cost of £80,000.
Loss of MV Darlwyne started it’s voyage but disappeared off the Cornish Coast. Twelve bodies and a few artefacts were later recovered, but the rest of the victims and the main body of the wreck were never found.
- The wrecking of the Torrey Canyon off Land's End was a year of disaster for Cornwall. This was the first major oil spill in British and European waters.
- Truro saw the demolition of the historic Red Lion Hotel and Inn on Boscawen Street first opened in 1769, when a runaway lorry careered down Lemon Street and crashed into the front of the building. Fortunately, no one was killed but one of Truro's most stately buildings was lost forever.
Slides of Penzance discovered showing circus animals parading through Penzance's main streets. Derek Overduin, discovered some fascinating old photographs whilst sorting through some of his father’s time worn slides when he came across something that nowadays at least would seem quite unusual - an elephant strolling through the streets of Penzance.
In 1969 the influential Cornish Buildings Group was founded, to the stimulate interest, appreciation and knowledge of good building in Cornwall, and to encourage the erection, protection, repair and recording of such buildings. The group encourages the protection and repair of historic buildings whether these are listed buildings or simply good examples of traditional building. The three year 'Buildings at Risk' project carried out from 2021 has been highlighting numerous buildings throughout Cornwall in danger.
What is now Visit Cornwall and then run by Cornwall Council as Cornwall Tourist Board, the first Cornwall & Isles of Scilly holiday guide was produced in 1970.